A response to my friend's post

>> Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

I don't know if I am over-productive blogger or being insomniac at the moment. Two posts in a row. I was blogrolling and found my friend's post. I haven't asked his permission yet about this, but I hope the allows me to link it. If some time this disappear, well, there must be something about 'linking' issue :D. Apologize.


Like any other Indonesian child, I was encouraged to become a leading science student who apparently overwhelmed with homework and additional courses. I had good mark but I never knew what to do out of it. Time went on, I grew up under the same rhythm of default 'Indonesian education'. Now, here I am, a well-performed mediocre.

- What I am interested in is learning. I was blessed with this unemployment status so I can pursue my second higher education, and hopefully the highest is yet to come. I always want to talk about my obsession. Not my general personal obsession, but such weekly obsession with fav music / movies, etc. Currently, I obsess over House of Cards tv series.

- Achievements. Granted Norwegian driving license. The driving test was the most nervous feeling I have ever experienced. The amount of money I spent was the hugest among any kind of test I've enrolled. The preparation before the test was longer than one semester in university. It was crazy I know.

- Goals. This is difficult. So far, I know what I need for life, but I am not really sure what I want for life. How do I put goals in this situation? needs or want? flashback to a film called Swimming with Shark starring Kevin Spacey. He happen to be killer, demanding, ***hole boss to a smart and bright employee. This employee didn't accept on his boss' behaviour on him, so he decide to arrest and abuse him as a revenge. The employee 'won' and the boss suffered. Suddenly, the boss threw back the deep question. "What do you want?" a question of what the employees want for life. Not for now. The situation turned into the opposite led the employee confused and underestimated. This satirical movie putting more weight in my questions bag. What do you want.... Sorry for this rumbling...

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